The 3-Heights™ Document Converter is a company-wide solution for converting all popular file formats to PDF, PDF/A and TIFF. It addresses various requirements in the field of conversion, in particular.
- Making documents archivable (especially MS Office documents)
- Migrating existing archives
- Exchanging documents
- Fulfilling standards (ISO) and security requirements
- Archiving web sites
- Archiving email
- Standardizing the variety of formats across the corporation
-Conversion of a variety of formats such as MS Office, email, web sites and images into PDF, PDF/A and TIFF
-Supports nested containers such as emails with ZIP attachments that also contain a number of emails
-Support for proprietary formats thanks to plug-in architecture
-Text recognition through an optional OCR Add-On
The 3-Heights™ Document Converter is a multi-functional tool for converting many formats fully automatically to PDF and PDF/A including digital signatures. It is especially suitable for processing incoming mail and for archiving emails with attachments and Office documents in the long term. Universal applicability (formats and interfaces), ease of positioning and addressing within the network as well as its high speed, availability and scalability are among its most impressive features. As a ready-to-use solution it ensures important functions are available to the entire document workflow within the company.
The 3-Heights™ Document Converter can convert incoming emails and their attachments to a single PDF or PDF/A documents or to individual PDF or PDF/A documents, just as required.
It can also convert all popular image formats and offers a direct Twain interface for scanners (including OCR)*. Converting MS Office and Open Office documents is also possible, for instance for sending to external recipients or for long-term archiving.
This variety of formats, which is extendable thanks to plug-in architecture, enables secure incoming and downstream processing as well as long-term archiving in PDF or PDF/A format (ISO 19005-1). Optional digital signature functionality guarantees document authenticity and integrity.